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Our Services

Our services provide support that makes caring a little easier and can help carers to stay physically fit, active and socially engaged. 


Adult carers provide regular and ongoing care to a family member who has a long-term illness, disability, mental health issue or who misuses substances. The family member may be their partner, parent, child or even a neighbour who couldn’t manage their day-to-day lives without their help. 

Holding Hands

Are you an
unpaid carer?

It is important that carers and the people they support get the financial support they are entitled to from the welfare benefits system. Welfare benefits can help ease some of the financial burden that comes with caring and can help you be more independent. 


There are a range of welfare benefits and our colleagues at Ealing Carers Hub can help you find out what you are entitled to by: 


  • Discussing with you what benefits you could be entitled to 

  • Helping you complete benefit forms 

  • Blue Badge, Dial a ride, and Taxicard applications for mobility 

  • Carers Allowance information 

  • Access to hardship grants or funding 


They can do this either over the phone or in person at their office in Sycamore Lodge, Acton.  


Working carers information

Caring for someone is tiring and often unpredictable. If you are a working carer it may seem there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. Finding the right balance can be a challenge, but help is available. There are lots of adjustments you can make to ensure that you find time to keep working and be a carer. 


Flexible working 

If you have been working with your employer for at least 26 weeks, you can request flexible working. Consider your options with your employer: working part-time, working from home, or arriving and leaving an hour earlier. 


Time off for emergencies 

The length of time must be agreed with your employer, but it is normally one or two days and is unpaid. 


Parental leave 

If you have been working somewhere for a least a year, you can take some unpaid leave to look after a child under 18 years. 


To find out more about benefits, work rights and other information on unpaid carers, please click here to be taken to useful information links

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Volunteer With Us

We are always looking for people to volunteer with us.

Ealing and Hounslow CVS provide volunteers to us and various other organisations across the boroughs.


For more information on how to sign up click here: 

Employment Opportunities

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Current vacancies with Ealing and Hillingdon Carers Trust

Holding hands
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Useful Information

Click on the buttons below to learn more about unpaid carers from leading experts and organisations both nationally and locally. 

To find carers support in your local area click on the logo below.  


Benefits Calculator

To find out whether you're entitled to financial support click below to find out more. 

Support Available

Find out what support is available to unpaid carers.

Carer Insights

Read about the analysis and data gathered about unpaid carers. 

Understanding Access

To find out whether you're entitled to financial support click below to find out more. 

Benefits & More

Find out about carers allowance, and other benefits available to unpaid carers.

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